I long for the company of one who cherishes my conversation

I long for the company of one who cherishes my conversation,
Whose own discourse I find delightful, who understands my intention.
When I see the sea, I wish that it were you, for only then
Could I revel in the waves and truly call them my friend.
At the gathering of fairies, death would be welcome to me
If only their gaze were not a poisonous draught that kills me.
My outward appearance must reflect the beauty within,
But inside I am torn apart, my body racked with pain.
I need a staff to lean on, like Majnun did, to guide me through,
For my own tangled thoughts provide me with no sure way to go.
Like the spinning wheel, I am spun round and round
By the thread of fate, until I am wound tight and bound.
When the moon rises in the sky, Navoiy does not see it,
For he is preoccupied with love, and his attention is elsewhere. This is a poem written in Uzbek language. The poem describes the poet's desire to be with someone who values and enjoys their conversation. Navoiy is looking for someone who will appreciate their thoughts and words, rather than just engaging in small talk. Alisher Navoiy expresses their frustration with shallow conversations and expresses their desire for deeper connections with others. The poem also includes references to love and beauty, with the poet stating that their inner beauty is more important than their outer appearance. The final lines of the poem express the poet's hope that they will find someone who appreciates them for who they are, and that their love will endure beyond this life.